
​Allen R. Waters, Senate candidate challenging Elizabeth Warren, signs the Fair Tax Pledge.

"The election season of 2018 looks to be lining up to be almost as interesting as 2016 when a businessman not previously elected to ANY federal office won the presidency for the first time since 1928. Allen R. Waters contacted our contact us email system at and after a few exchanges of information he has agreed to sign, and indeed has signed, a FAIRtax Candidate Pledge as part of his announced intent to challenge Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren who was elected in an upset in 2012. To our knowledge no other candidate for the United States Senate in the Northeastern United States has been willing to sign a pledge to actively and fully support FAIRtax and vote for it in the Senate if elected. Below is a press release prepared by the Allen R. Waters Campaign so that those in his state who support FAIRtax can compare his position with any others running in that state for the Senate."

For Immediate Release

Mashpee, MA - Allen R. Waters, in stark contrast to all other candidates seeking to challenge Senator Elizabeth Warren in the next midterm election, this Tuesday signed the Fair Tax Pledge illustrating his solid commitment to improve the lives of all struggling families and businesses in Massachusetts.

"Why is it that both Republicans and Democrats in the Bay State recognize that when we tax products like cigarettes to discourage people from engaging in that behavior, the same is true with productivity?" states Waters.  "The more we tax what people earn, the more we discourage them from being productive members of our community," Waters continued.

The Fair Tax is a consumption tax whereby citizens pay only upon the purchase of goods and services.  Recognizing that our income is our reward for the work and risks we take to improve our lives, our families, and those people businesses employ; taxing such effort is truly counterproductive.  

The Fair Tax encourages people to save for their future, be more responsible with their earnings, and most importantly places far more control in the hands of citizens.  According to the Fair Tax website, "The FairTax is a national sales tax that treats every person equally and allows American businesses to thrive, while generating the same tax revenue as the current four-million-word-plus tax code."

"The Federal government and Beacon Hill does not have a revenue problem, they have a spending problem," stated Waters.  "I am the only candidate that understands the economics of a good and growing economy, and that is why I've signed the Fair Tax Pledge."

Allen Waters remains committed to doing the right thing for all Massachusetts citizens, not the special interest that control many of the leadership in Washington.