
Here's the tax scandal every American should be outraged over

There's a massive multi-trillion dollar scandal going on nationwide that would make even Bernie Madoff blush. It's a conspiracy that involves government bureaucrats, politicians from both parties, and a big chunk of the public being left in the dark. It shatters a key liberal belief and a separate example of conservative dogma.

The scandal first was uncovered earlier this week by Terry Jeffrey at CNS News when he looked at federal revenue numbers and noted that Americans are paying more than twice the amount of federal taxes they were when President John F. Kennedy first took office in 1961. Yes, that's adjusted for inflation with a jump from $4,121 per person in current dollars 56 years ago to $10,114 in 2016, according to the BLS inflation calculator.

And yes, that's per person, not per taxpaying person. We're talking more than ten grand for every one of the 323 million-plus people in the U.S.[Tax burdens prompt more Americans to ditch their citizenship]
Tax burdens prompt more Americans to ditch their citizenship  

That got me thinking about a lot of other questions, starting with: What does this mean for the tax burden for every American who actually pays federal taxes?

That's where it gets worse. In 1961 about 49 million Americans paid federal taxes. In current inflation-adjusted dollars, they paid $15,477 per taxpayer in federal taxes.