

Greetings fellow FairTaxers,

I am always interested in promoting the FairTax anywhere, anytime.  But there were a number of considerations needed to arrive at the most effective strategy.

Government office buildings are huge and, because of the distance between them and the long security lines, it could easily take half an hour or more to travel from an office in one building, to an office in another building.  After researching the number of cosponsors in each building, I decided not to attempt visiting the Longworth or Cannon House office buildings and concentrate on the Rayburn building, which housed the largest number of cosponors of our bill.

I took our FT handouts (which included my contact information), walked into each office, and handed one to the receptionist.  I explained that I was a volunteer for the AFFT, and that I had come from NJ to thank the Representative for his or her support of HR 25, the FairTax bill.  I asked that our card be given to "the boss."  In every case, they assured me that it would be.  The typical reaction was, "WOW!"  They were amazed at the dedication and appreciation of FairTaxers.

Here is the list, by last name, of the cosponsors' offices I visited:

Bilarkis, Carter, Kulberson, Olson, Poe, Brooks, Posey, Lucas, Conoway, Pearce, Walberg, Flores, Massie, Wittman, Graves, Blackburn, Duncan (Jeff), Issa, King, Sanford, Hensarling, Foxx, DesJarlis, Young, Farenthold, Marchant, Chabot, Duncan (John J.)

If I counted correctly, that's 28 out of 46 cosponsors.  If I had another day, I'm sure I could have gotten to them all but, my feet were not amused!



Doug Dash, holds a B.S. in Music Education from West Chester State College, Pennsylvania and undertook graduate work before enlisting in the Army. Doug served in the Army two years, including a tour of duty in Vietnam, where he received various service commendations. After his service in the Army, Doug taught school and worked in insurance before joining the U.S. Postal Service. Doug retired from the Postal Service in 2006 after 28 years.
Doug and his wife, Janet, live in Collingswood, New Jersey. They have two daughters and one granddaughter. Doug and Janet both have musical talent; Doug sings in his church choir and was part of the musical reception when the Pope recently visited Philadelphia.
Doug heard about the FAIRtax online and attended a meeting thirteen years ago in Philadelphia. Doug found FAIRtax to be in accord with his views concerning excessive government and punitive taxation.  Doug has been involved with FAIRtax as the District Director for NJ-01 ever since the Philadelphia meeting. Doug finds inspiration to work for the FAIRtax from the future of his granddaughter, the country, and the cause of freedom.