
Chairman's Report - March 27, 2015

Senator Cruz, The Flat Tax And Eliminating The IRS

Many of us have listened to Senator Cruz proclaim that he is in favor of the flat tax and the elimination of the IRS. Senator Cruz has been and is a cosponsor of the FairTax® legislation and in this article the Senator confirms that the best tax reform is the FairTax.

We also know that Senator Cruz is not saying flat “income” tax and the FairTax is a “flat tax” with only one rate.

Maybe Senator Cruz should remember the quote from Dr. Seuss who said, “Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.”

The FairTax also is the only proposed tax reform that removes the need for the IRS and allows it to be eliminated. Senator Cruz knows this.

Now that the Senator has announced his intention to run for President, his statements are going to be more and more dissected and scrutinized. Here is one of the first of many attacks that will come because his statement that the flat tax eliminates the need for the IRS is incorrect.  

Please email Senator Cruz to ask him to be clear that the flat tax he is referring to is the FairTax and suggest that he start saying “FairTax”, not “flat tax.” Here is the link.  His Washington, D.C. office number is (202) 224-5922 if you have time to call. 

Participate In Our Next Visit to DC

Peggy and I are scheduling our next trip to Washington, D.C. from April 28 to April 30.  If you want us to see your Member of Congress, please contact Peggy at
We are also making a list of Members with whom we want to meet, and Peggy will be contacting our grassroots people in those districts for assistance in arranging the meetings.

If you are interested in coming to D.C. for a meeting with the Member in your district, please let Peggy know. We would love to have you, but we do recognize it is much more economical for you to see your Member in his or her local office.

And we know that Members of Congress respond best when their constituents continue to pressure them. So please, don’t let up - continue to contact your elected representatives! Ask them to become activist cosponsors and meet with AFFT representatives when we visit the nation’s Capitol. 

When you get a response, please contact and provide her with the contact information for the staff member with whom you have been communicating. She would also appreciate a brief explanation of what you requested and how they responded. Peggy will then follow up and try to arrange appointments for one of our upcoming trips to Washington.  

Large Donors And Special Projects

As more of you join the 1040 Club and contribute $10.40 per month to meet our minimal operating needs, we are reaching out to larger donors who recognize that we are the only real grassroots organization promoting tax reform.

These larger donors want to fund specific projects - like our district targeting plan. We have identified members of the House Ways and Means Committee who can help ensure debate on the FairTax prior to the vote. These Members’ home districts have teams of FairTax supporters who will organize to exert maximum pressure by home district voters. The idea of having an abundance of FairTax signs standing tall in the home district yards of Ways and Means Members brings a giant smile to the face of prospective donors and to each of us ☺!

If you have specific projects that you believe will advance the FairTax, let Peggy or me know. And, if you know of a potential donor with whom we should speak, please contact me at  

FairTax Chronicles

Shortly after Easter, you will begin receiving sponsored emails. These companies are paying Americans For Fair Taxation for the right to send offers to you. This funding is very important to our being able to operate as we build up our 1040 Club memberships.  

We will make every attempt to ensure that what you receive is not objectionable, but if you think it is, please email and let us know. You will also have the right to unsubscribe from the FairTax Chronicles, but we strongly urge you to open the emails and, if you are not interested, delete them. It only takes a moment of your time but it ensures that we continue to receive this revenue. It is our hope that some of the offers will be of use to you and that you will click to visit the company making them. The number of our people who are opening and clicking through the offering emails directly determines the amount that the companies will pay Americans For Fair Taxation to fund our campaign.

Your taking the time to open and click through these emails is another way of you contributing to the FairTax.

Thank you for staying FairTax strong!