
Chairman's Report - May 15, 2015

Our Next Washington Trip: June 1-June 4—Importance of Democrats

Peggy and I are going to Washington, D.C. on June 1st and expect to have a very full schedule of appointments while we are there.  There are a number of our AFFT state leaders who have contacted Peggy and indicated that they have had meetings with their Members of Congress in their districts and want us to meet with them in D.C.  

Making An Enemy A Friend

Abraham Lincoln once had a meeting where a person asked him for a political favor.  Lincoln granted the favor, the person left and a friend at the meeting was outraged because this person had been attacking Lincoln openly.  Lincoln asked his friend, “Do you want me to destroy my enemy?”  The friend said, “Yes.”  Lincoln replied, “Don’t I destroy an enemy by making him a friend?”

While we want to meet with all of the Members, we are particularly interested in reaching out to the Democratic Members who have heard the incorrect facts about the FAIRtax.  If the facts they heard were true, most of us would oppose the FAIRtax.   

If your Member is a Democrat, please contact him or her and see if you can get them to meet with us.  We know that the FAIRtax, properly explained, will appeal to most of the people in America.  

The Democratic Member may not feel comfortable enough to become a cosponsor of the FAIRtax, but  it is very important that the Democratic Member understands the true facts of the FAIRtax and how it really benefits their constituents.   Then when they talk to other Democratic Members they can privately explain to other Members that the FAIRtax has some real advantages.  

If the Member is on the Ways And Means Committee, then it is even more important that we meet with them.  The Democrats may not be in the majority but if they express an interest in the FAIRtax receiving a full hearing and a vote, Chairman Ryan will see that the support for the FAIRtax is growing in Democratic and Republican circles. 

Education on the FAIRtax will open the minds of people who may not be enemies but whose minds have been closed.  They may not become “friends” but they will not be enemies.

Please contact your Members of Congress and ask them to meet with Peggy and me.  It will be a great help in getting appointments and spreading the FAIRtax message.  Please email Peggy at and let her know who in your Members’ office with whom you have been in contact.

Thank You For Opening The FAIRtax Chronicles, Our Sponsored Mailings 

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Thank you for staying FairTax strong!