
Chairman's Report – September 15th, 2017

How do you liken Hurricane Irma and tax reform?  My family and I live in the Tampa Bay area on the west coast of Florida.  Like all of Florida residents, we watched the predictions for the path of Irma.  It was not a question of if but of where and when the hurricane was going to impact Florida.
For most of the week, it appeared that the hurricane track would take Irma to the east coast of Florida and would cause massive damage to Miami and many other large pockets of population.  If they were lucky, the residents of these areas would survive but would lose everything and be without power for weeks.
Winston Churchill said, “There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at with no result.”  Some of us have been "shot at with no result" but most of us can relate to Churchill's statement because of other events in life. 
It says something about human nature that we were deeply saddened by the thought of the damage that would be caused to the east coast of Florida but very relieved that we would not be suffering in the same way.  Then just before the storm reached Florida, the path was now on the west coast and it appeared that it might go along the coast and reach us as a level 4 hurricane.  This would create almost guaranteed destruction of most of our homes and work places.
We all made preparations to flee to any safer place and reconciled ourselves to not seeing most of our possessions again.  Then, at the last moment it seemed, Irma moved on land and, though it caused damage as it went, began to lose intensity as hurricanes passing over land will do.
Instead of the Hurricane Irma's eye, the most intense area of the storm, passing over Tampa Bay, it went east and impacted most the areas east of us--but much less than it could have. 
Many of our neighbors lost power but almost no one lost their homes in the Tampa Bay area.  The grocery stores are opening again and many businesses are opening this week.  Ironically, many of the problems from flooding have occurred in areas in the center of Florida and on the east coast because of the rain and high winds from Irma.
How Is Hurricane Irma Similar to Tax Reform?
One of the biggest problems facing all of us who are seeking actual tax reform is the seeming dependency of many influential groups on the current system.  Like all of us who knew Hurricane Irma was hurting other people but were relieved that it was not us, these groups know that the present income/payroll tax system is destructive, inefficient and actually harmful to most Americans.  However, they worry that their livelihoods will be adversely impacted by a change to the FAIRtax--the only meaningful tax reform.
They all have kids to raise and educate.  They have homes and cars to pay for and their retirements to consider.  While many may feel some guilt that they are profiting at the expense of others, most have the attitude that they will be severely impacted by a change.  That is why so many of these groups protest loudest when a proposed change to their own special benefit will be eliminated.
Some of the most difficult stories told by survivors of the Nazi concentration camps related to how people arriving on the trains were selected to live or die.  Older people, most women and small children were sent to the gas chambers but men and some women were sent to perform forced labor until they died from overwork or starvation.
Many saw their older parents or younger siblings for the last time as they were sent away.  However, when asked how they felt, some reluctantly admitted to a relief that they were spared--the same relief we experienced when Hurricane Irma by-passed us.
However, just like the Nazi's, the income/payroll tax system is going to be eliminated.  The question is only when.  It is collapsing from evasion and the only way to enforce it is to greatly increase IRS power and aggressiveness.  Lincoln said, "The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly."  
If Congress and D.C. Elites try to release the IRS on us, there will be even more evasion and the system will fail sooner.  Even people who now try to comply will be so repulsed by the arrogant lack of concern from Congress and the D.C Elites that many of them will join the evaders.
One of the groups that often opposes real tax reform, like the FAIRtax, are tax lawyers and accountant tax preparers.  In this week's FAIRTAX Friday, Jade Walle, a CPA, discusses why the FAIRtax is a good reform not only the rest of us but also for tax professionals.

If we don't continue to tell the truth and demand a change, then this quote from George Orwell's 1984 may foretell our children's future:

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.”

Call up the local or D.C. office of the House Member and two Senators and you can use the following script:

  • I am sure that Representative ____ or Senator ____ is in favor of everyone obeying the income tax laws.
  • After they assure you that their boss is not in favor of anyone breaking the law, ask if they are aware of the Cebula study showing $9 trillion of evaded income/payroll taxes over the next ten years.
  • Since most will say they don’t believe their boss has seen the study, either drop off a copy or get an email address and send a copy to them for their boss.
  • Say you are going to call back in a week and ask what the Representative or Senator is going to do to stop this evasion.
  • In a week, call back and ask specifically what the Representative or Senator is going to do to enforce the law.
  • They probably will say their boss believes that simplifying the income tax will handle the problem.
  • Explain that when people evade income taxes, they are also evading the 15.3% payroll/Medicare tax and state income tax.  So it is unlikely that they are going to pay 30% or 40% when they were paying 0% because they have already decided it is okay to cheat.
  • Say that the only way to reduce evasion is to increase by tens or hundreds of thousands the number of comprehensive IRS audits done each year.
  • Point out that Evaders do not self-identify by putting an “E” on their income tax return.
  • 80% of the people likely to be audited are trying to comply, but they will be forced to endure these IRS audits as well.
  • Ask if the Member is in favor of this?
  • If they say no, then ask again how the Member proposes to stop people breaking the income tax laws.
  • Then explain that the way to handle evasion without unleashing the IRS audits is the FAIRtax.  
If you can see your Member or attend a town hall and ask these questions, you can be even more effective.


Because of the varied attacks on the Ryan/Brady income tax plan, the White House has announced that they need to start over to determine the best tax plan to propose.

Abraham Lincoln said, “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.” 

We may only have a limited time to stop the fake tax reform being promoted by some in Congress.  If it passes, then the Elites will say that we need to wait before we consider any more changes.  To stop this fake reform, we must be able to ensure that our message is clearly heard not only by Congress but also by President Trump.  To do this we need your help.

By contributing (investing) $10.40 per month, you help provide a financial base to AFFT.  If you can make larger contributions (investments), these will be used not for salaries, as we are all volunteers, but for the needed updates to our economic studies which will be vital in 2017.
Please go to this link to invest in AFFT and in your and your family’s future.


The FAIRtax Guys continue to investigate the FAIRtax via the FAQ’s on the main website, This is a great way to tackle the basic concepts of the FAIRtax.  The FAIRtax Guys tackle the most common questions and give more details than offered on the website.  
PLEASE HELP US spread the word about the FAIRtax and FAIRtax Power Radio.  Telling your friends and relatives about our free weekly podcasts is a great way to help us garner more support.  Help us keep America informed for it is the American people who must demand REAL tax reform in Congress. 

You can listen to FTPR on any platform - Mac or PC, iPhone or Android. And it’s 100% free. 
Listen on Spreaker, iTunes or iHeart Radio on your computer or smartphone. Spreaker, iTunes and iHeart all have free apps.  But the easiest way to listen to FTPR on your smartphone is by downloading the free FTPR app.  Just search for “FAIRtax Power Radio” in your app store, download the app and start listening.  As stated earlier, we post a new episode every Friday morning.  Please listen in and tell everyone you know about the FAIRtax Power Radio podcasts.  
As stated earlier, we post a new episode every Friday morning.  Please listen in and tell everyone you know about the FAIRtax Power Radio podcasts. 
Learn more. Get involved. Make it happen!

America’s Big Solution is an introduction to the FAIRtax written by Terry Tibbetts, author of A Spartan Game: The Life and Loss of Don Holleder, with help from Ron Maiellaro, President of the Florida FAIRtax Educational Association.  For a limited time, you can purchase a print copy, signed by both Terry and Ron from the FAIRtax Logo Store.  Go online now and get your copy before they sell out. 

America’s Big Solution is meant for people of any age who would like an introduction to the FAIRtax and would prefer to read about it rather than search online for Tweets, Posts and Shares. 

If the FAIRtax Logo Store has sold out of the signed copies, you can buy an electronic or print version of ABS as follows:  AMERICA’S BIG SOLUTION is available for only $2.99 for the Amazon Kindle, the Barnes & Noble Nook and Apple iOS.  

You can purchase a print copy at the same Amazon link above for $9.25.  Regardless of whether you choose the electronic format or the print format, you’ll find AMERICA’S BIG SOLUTION will give someone the boost they need to begin their study of the FAIRtax and the suggested resources to learn more. Buy AMERICA’S BIG SOLUTION now!

Links to More Information

These links will help you promote and support the FAIRtax, make yourself familiar with the links below. We always do our best to keep our AFFT community up to date, and you can stay ahead of the curve using these convenient sites.

The FAIRtax Logo Store
Supplying Educational/Promotional Items






America’s Big Solution (ABS) booklet is an simple introduction to the FAIRtax℠ written by Terry Tibbetts, author of A Spartan Game: The Life and Loss of Don Holleder, with help from Ron Maiellaro, President of the FFTEA. While supplies last, you can purchase a hard copy of this 23 page ABS booklet printed July 2017 and autographed by both Terry and Ron. They are both volunteers continuously educating the public on the merits of the FAIRtax℠ and this booklet is an extension of their efforts.  
The purpose of this ABS booklet is to introduce voters to the FAIRtax℠ concept. It is not a comprehensive treatment of the subject but rather a few pages to “wet one’s appetite” to get involved.
Accordingly, your LOGO Store is pleased to offer NEW AUTOGRAPHED ABS booklets for only $10.00 each PLUS free shipping PLUS another 20% discount during the month of August.  
SO, your cost is only $8.00 in August per autographed ABS booklet delivered to your home. Great deal !! Remember to enter the discount code “FAIRTAX07” at checkout to receive your 20% discount. 

Ron also co-hosts a weekly FAIRtax℠ radio show with Bob Paxton called FAIRTAX POWER RADIO (FTPR).  This is a weekly podcast which you can listen to on any platform – Mac or PC, IPhone or Android 100% free.  This volunteer team posts a new episode every Friday morning.  Listen on, iTunes or iHeart Radio on your computer or smartphone.  The easiest way to listen to FTPR on your smartphone is by downloading the free FTPR app.  Just search for “FAIRtax Power Radio” in your app store, download the app and start listening.
When visiting the Store to purchase your autographed ABS booklet, please consider other FAIRtax℠ promotional items. And remember, you will receive a 20% discount on your complete order when inserting the discount code (FAIRTAX07) upon checkout and of course, S/H is free.   
           The FAIRtax℠: Once You Understand It, You’ll Demand It!

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