

As most of you know, it is required that HR 25, and all bills not yet passed, be reintroduced every two years when a new House of Representatives is convened.   Every January of a new session, Members are asked to re-sign as cosponsors for the new term.  Sometimes they don't get around to it, and then everyone gets busy and a thousand other things occur that they have to address. 
Florida Congressman Ron DeSantis has been a cosponsor of HR 25 in the past but had not yet signed on as a cosponsor to the bill introduced in January of 2017.  At the Florida FAIRtax Educational Association board meeting a few weeks ago, it was discussed that some of our House cosponsors were no longer in Congress, like Tom Price and Mike Pompeo, and that some of the other cosponsors had not yet signed on as a cosponsor in the 2017 session.  Ed Connor, a vice-president and board member learned that Ron had not signed on again as a cosponsor and said that he would contact Ron's office and "nudge" him to sign on as a cosponsor.  Here is his report.
At our annual Board meeting of FFTEA in June this year I was made aware that some co-sponsors of HR 25, the Fairtax Bill, were not currently listed including my own Congressman Ron DeSantis whom I personally recruited and educated about Fairtax during his initial run for Congress several years ago.  I stay in touch with Congressman DeSantis and periodically introduce him with great pride to local civic groups. I developed great respect for the Congressman after reading his resume, meeting his family and hearing his story. Thus, I was alarmed that he had not renewed his cosponsorship.  I called his local office and inquired if this was an oversight or they had found a flaw in the Bill. Two days later I got a note saying he would re-enlist in the next session, which he did promptly.  Fortunately, I had just contributed a modest amount to one of his causes so they probably noted my past contributions and this may have played a role in their quick response.  It pays to make sincere inquiries. Stay away from sarcasm or ridicule and ask for honest feedback. I know it can be tough in the current political climate, but persuasion comes from civility, not confrontation.
A Lesson To Be Learned and Applied
Many of us have developed relationships with our Members of Congress.  The lesson from Ed is that often it only takes a little effort to "encourage" a former cosponsor to sign on for this term of Congress.  As Ed cautions, it is important to be polite, and you can use Ed's language by asking if it is an "oversight" or does the Member see a "flaw" in HR 25.  Then you can politely follow up if they don't sign on and offer to meet with the Member to discuss HR 25.  
Here is a link to the HR 25 cosponsors in the 2015-2016 session and here is a link to the HR 25 cosponsors in the 2017-2018 session.  Here is a link to the S 155 (the FAIRtax bill) cosponsors in the 2015-2016 Senate session and here is a link to the S 18 (the FAIRtax bill) cosponsors in the 2017-2018 Senate session.
Please take a moment to see if your House or Senate Member was a cosponsor in 2015 and if they have signed on in 2017.  If they have signed as a cosponsor, please send a note to their district office and thank them.  If they haven't, then please send a note to their district office, like Ed did, and ask them to become a cosponsor.  If they don't, then ask to meet with them to discuss the FAIRtax.
It is amazing how many times if you just politely ask someone to do something they will.  This is true in all areas.  True, there are many reasons why D.C. doesn't want real tax reform but we still have to call them out and ask. 
One of my most vivid memories is going to a tent revival meeting in the 1950's in Smackover, Arkansas and hearing the minister say, "I will not stay silent so that you can stay comfortable."  It is a rule of conduct that can do harm, if done simply to hurt or embarrass, but a good rule to follow if you are speaking out against injustice.
For some, the present income tax code provides them special benefits that they believe they would lose if the FAIRtax was passed.  They are not comfortable hearing the truth that they are profiting while the rest of us pay more than we should and endure the IRS. These people must be told the truth--even it makes them uncomfortable.
If we don't continue to tell the truth even if it makes people uncomfortable, then this quote from George Orwell's 1984 may foretell our children's future:
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.” 

Ed Connor is shown above with Florida governor Rick Scott.  He is a 1964 graduate of the College of Engineering at UC Berkeley and is a retired Golf Architect, a registered Civil Engineer and Engineering Contractor whose company built or renovated championship courses for major events like the US Open, PGA and the Masters.  Ed was an active member of the American Alpine Club with ascents in Alaska, the Himalayas and the Andes as well as Yosemite.
In addition to his service with the Florida FAIRtax Educational Association, Ed is on the Board of Halifax Health by gubernatorial appointment, is vice-president of Volusia Tax Reform, president of TAG (Taxpayer Advocate Group) and has been married for 30 years to Pamela.

Call up the local or D.C. office of the House Member and two Senators and you can use the following script:

  • I am sure that Representative ____ or Senator ____ is in favor of everyone obeying the income tax laws.
  • After they assure you that their boss is not in favor of anyone breaking the law, ask if they are aware of the Cebula study showing $9 trillion of evaded income/payroll taxes over the next ten years.
  • Since most will say they don’t believe their boss has seen the study, either drop off a copy or get an email address and send a copy to them for their boss.
  • Say you are going to call back in a week and ask what the Representative or Senator is going to do to stop this evasion.
  • In a week, call back and ask specifically what the Representative or Senator is going to do to enforce the law.
  • They probably will say their boss believes that simplifying the income tax will handle the problem.
  • Explain that when people evade income taxes, they are also evading the 15.3% payroll/Medicare tax and state income tax.  So it is unlikely that they are going to pay 30% or 40% when they were paying 0% because they have already decided it is okay to cheat.
  • Say that the only way to reduce evasion is to increase by tens or hundreds of thousands the number of comprehensive IRS audits done each year.
  • Point out that Evaders do not self-identify by putting an “E” on their income tax return.
  • 80% of the people likely to be audited are trying to comply, but they will be forced to endure these IRS audits as well.
  • Ask if the Member is in favor of this?
  • If they say no, then ask again how the Member proposes to stop people breaking the income tax laws.
  • Then explain that the way to handle evasion without unleashing the IRS audits is the FAIRtax.  
If you can see your Member or attend a town hall and ask these questions, you can be even more effective.


Because of the varied attacks on the Ryan/Brady income tax plan, the White House has announced that they need to start over to determine the best tax plan to propose.

Abraham Lincoln said, “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.” 

We may only have a limited time to stop the fake tax reform being promoted by some in Congress.  If it passes, then the Elites will say that we need to wait before we consider any more changes.  To stop this fake reform, we must be able to ensure that our message is clearly heard not only by Congress but also by President Trump.  To do this we need your help.

By contributing (investing) $10.40 per month, you help provide a financial base to AFFT.  If you can make larger contributions (investments), these will be used not for salaries, as we are all volunteers, but for the needed updates to our economic studies which will be vital in 2017.
Please go to this link to invest in AFFT and in your and your family’s future.


The FAIRtax has many advantages for our country, but what about YOU.  The FAIRtax Guys explain the many benefits of the FAIRtax to YOU, the individual.  What is most important to you? The Prebate? No more withholding?  No more IRS?  The personal benefits are many.  Learn about these personal benefits and help teach others. 

On FAIRtax Power Radio last week we declared our independence from the income tax and the IRS. When we pass the FAIRtax, this will be a reality.  The FAIRtax will be a second revolution against the tyranny of an out of control IRS and a confusing, convoluted tax system that Congress uses to play class warfare and pit one group against another.  The FAIRtax will help us reign in Congress and it will eliminate the IRS.  A fitting episode for the week of July 4th.

Help us spread the word about the FAIRtax and FAIRtax Power Radio.  Telling your friends and relatives about our free weekly podcasts is a great way to help us garner more support.  Help us keep America informed for it is the American people who must demand REAL tax reform.

You can listen to FTPR on any platform - Mac or PC, iPhone or Android. And it’s 100% free. 
Listen on Spreaker, iTunes or iHeart Radio on your computer or smartphone. Spreaker, iTunes and iHeart all have free apps.  But the easiest way to listen to FTPR on your smartphone is by downloading the free FTPR app.  Just search for “FAIRtax Power Radio” in your app store, download the app and start listening.  As stated earlier, we post a new episode every Friday morning.  Please listen in and tell everyone you know about the FAIRtax Power Radio podcasts.  
As stated earlier, we post a new episode every Friday morning.  Please listen in and tell everyone you know about the FAIRtax Power Radio podcasts. 
Learn more. Get involved. Make it happen!

OK, so tweeting and sharing is NOT your thing. You don’t spend all your time Tweeting and Posting but you would appreciate a quick introduction to the FAIRtax. We’ve got just what you need!

Some people prefer to read about a new subject instead of searching a website.  If this describes you or someone you know, we have the solution - AMERICA’S BIG SOLUTION which is an inexpensive e-book written as an introduction to the FAIRtax.
AMERICA’S BIG SOLUTION is available for only $2.99 for the Amazon Kindle, the Barnes & Noble Nook and Apple iOS.  
AMERICA’S BIG SOLUTION by Florida Volunteer Terry Tibbetts has been written to give people of all ages a basic introduction to the FAIRtax and encourage them to learn more about the most thoroughly researched tax plan ever presented to Congress.  It is a light hearted approach to a very serious subject. 
Everyone needs to know that we have an alternative to federal income tax and the criminal enterprise known as the IRS.  Everyone needs hope and AMERICA’S BIG SOLUTION provides that hope. AMERICA’S BIG SOLUTION is an alternative to the social media platforms competing for our attention. 
You can even purchase a print copy at the same Amazon link above for $9.25.  Regardless of whether you choose the electronic format or the print format, you’ll find AMERICA’S BIG SOLUTION will give someone the boost they need to begin their study of the FAIRtax and the suggested resources to learn more. Buy AMERICA’S BIG SOLUTION now!



On the fourth of July we celebrated our Independence Day.  A similar freedom movement is gaining grassroot support to replace the current Federal Income Tax System with a simple, efficient, and visible Federal Consumption Tax called the FAIRtax℠, HR-25 and sister Bill S-18.

Accordingly, supporters of HR-25 are now proposing a new Federal Holiday,"The Tax Independence Day", i.e., passage of the FAIRtax℠ in Congress.  In honor of this new proposed Holiday, the Store is pleased to offer, for the entire month of July, a 20% discount on all educational promotional supplies plus free shipping/handling on all orders. When you enter the Store, you will see on the home page a discount code which you simply enter during the checkout process and you will receive a 20% discount on your complete order

If you haven't visited the Store lately, here is a partial list of the educational promotional items you will find on the web site:

  • Educational Palm Cards,
  • Vehicle Sun Shades, Banners,
  • Bumper Stickers,
  • Educational Business cards,
  • Event Stickers and Aprons,
  • Pens,
  • Polo Shirts and Hats,
  • Umbrellas, Tote Bags,
  • Educational Books
  • Featuring Scrolling Hand Banners ideal for political events...

Plus many for FAIRtax Promotional Items!
July is the month to visit the FAIRtax℠ Store and purchase your supply of FAIRtax℠ Educational Material that you can proudly present/display during summer activities.

Links to More Information

These links will help you promote and support the FAIRtax, make yourself familiar with the links below. We always do our best to keep our AFFT community up to date, and you can stay ahead of the curve using these convenient sites.

Thank You For Opening The FAIRtax Chronicles, Our Sponsored Mailings
We plan to do several of these mailings each month. If you take a minute to open the sponsored emails and click through to the website, you are making an in kind contribution to AFFT. It is not required to actually make a purchase, but your minute of time will ensure that AFFT is paid ever larger amounts from people paying for us to send their offers to our supporters.
Again, we are making every effort to ensure that we work with only reputable companies. If you feel that any FAIRtax-sponsored email is objectionable, please email us at and tell us why. You can also opt to not receive these sponsored email messages but still receive FAIRtax emails.

Thank you for staying FAIRtax strong!