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[Editor’s note: This week’s grassroots tip comes from the viewpoint of a Trump supporter, Ted Davis, of Tacoma, Washington. FAIRtax is not about Trump – either pro or contra. So if Trump support isn’t your thing, we don’t ask you to become something you’re not. The tip might work in reverse in a different geographic area.]
Ted Davis writes:
Problem: Because I live in very liberal Seattle, how do I find people who might be interested in the FairTax?
Solution: Wear a MAGA hat when I’m out on errands. When people make a positive comment about the hat, I can respond with, ”then you’re going to love this,” and hand them a FairTax palm card. Every weekend it works at least once resulting in very positive conversations.
Opportunity: there is an audience of millions of people who are fed up with Washington, DC, (and the swamp and so on) and who applaud what President Trump is doing. The FairTax is a great way to fight back alongside him. It’s something to do between elections. And we can even do it regardless of who gets elected. Millions are asking, “what can I do?” As FairTax volunteers, we’re used to thinking of the FairTax as a tax proposal, but for this audience it’s almost incidental that it’s about taxes. Rather it’s a way to stick it to the establishment, to join the battle and advance the cause. Indeed, to Make America Great Again. So one strategy is to focus on the swamp-draining impact of the FairTax which eliminates the most feared federal agency (IRS) in the Deep State, eliminates the tax code as Big Government meddling in our lives, eliminates tax legislation as a target of lobbying and means of peddling influence, childproofs the tax system from tinkering by the newly elected, and grants us all, finally, a stable tax system for long-term planning.
Ted Davis has a Bachelor’s Degree from Dartmouth and a Master’s Degree from University of Arizona. Ted has been thirty years in the software industry. Ted is married 33 years and became grandfather 9 months ago.
Ted says that the FairTax engages both his head and his heart. His head engaged the FairTax in the early 90s. In the software world, we would call the FairTax an “elegant” solution: simple, powerful, nails the problem. His heart wants to make a stronger country for his and his wife's grandson. His heart believes the FairTax is the best way to support President Trump, drain the swamp, and fight the Deep State. That’s why Ted is determined to do something to advance the FairTax every day. It’s his personal way to join the battle.
Ted cites as great personal encouragers: FAIRtax Power Radio and the weekly chairman’s messages.
[Editor’s note: Thank you Ted. Ted is one more example of how people in the field are helping to advance public education for the FAIRtax.]
We need more of you to send in pictures and news. If you have anything to share, please send your material to me at, or text me at (908) 578-4975, or fax me at (908) 598-2888. When others see your activity, they are inspired, and the process snowballs. When the process snowballs, Congress Members and Senators and, yes, even the President start to listen.
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Enacting the FAIRtax must be a prominent topic in these times. We did it before, we can do it again, but we need your help!