International Issues relating to Tax Reform – September 8, 2012
Todd McCracken, the president of the National Small Business Association, provides the NSBA’s perspective on international issues relating to tax reform to the Ways and Means Committee.
On November 17, 2011, the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives conducted a hearing on “Could Tax Reform Boost Business Investment and Job Creation.” Mastromarco, who co-developed and oversaw the research on H.R. 25/S. 13, provided the committee with a strong and decisive answer to their overarching question. Mr. Mastromarco stated, “…the solution to this crisis is a consumption tax that makes the taxes we pay visible, ensures all Americans are stakeholders, is neutral as to savings and investment, lowers marginal rates, reduces compliance costs and removes the anti-competitive nature of our non-border adjustable extraterritorial tax system.
Verbal Testimony l Written Testimony l Video
Testimony of Karen Walby, Ph.D., Chief Economist of Americans For Fair Taxation submitted to the House Committee on Ways and Means hearing on fundamental tax reform, January 20, 2011
Examines the economic and administrative burdens imposed by the current structure of the Federal income tax.
Statement of The Honorable Michael K. Conaway Before the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures of the House Committee on Ways and Means
Testimony of Representative Michael Conaway, State of Texas, Before the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures of the House Committee on Ways and Means, September 26, 2006. Representative Conaway supports a comprehensive overhaul of our current tax collection scheme through the FairTax plan to bring clarity, transparency and fairness to our tax system.
Statement of The Honorable Steve King Before the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures of the House Committee on Ways and Means
Testimony of Representative Steve King, State of Iowa, Before the Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures of the House Committee on Ways and Means, September 26, 2006. What a better tax system should look like, and why that system should be the FairTax.
Testimony of Leo Linbeck, Jr. before the Committee on Ways and Means On the Impact of International Tax Reform on U.S. Competitiveness, June 22, 2006
Our chairman explains how the FairTax will restore the competitiveness of U.S. producers in the global economy.
Testimony of David R. Burton before the House Committee on Small Business, February 1, 2006
Evaluates the various tax reform plans and how they affect small business.
Testimony of Todd McCracken, President, National Small Business Association, before the House Committee on Small Business, February 1, 2006
Discusses the impact of the tax plan alternatives recommended by the President’s tax panel on small business and why the tax plan preferred by small business is the FairTax plan.
Testimony of Leo Linbeck, Jr. before the Committee on Ways and Means On Tax Reform, June 8, 2005
Our chairman lays out the criteria by which tax reform plans should be judged and how the FairTax measures up.
Submission of Americans For Fair Taxation to the President’s Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform, April 29, 2005
Shows how the FairTax meets the President’s principles of tax reform simplicity, fairness, and pro-growth. It is the one system that benefits all the American people, the American economy, and fully achieves these objectives.