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Jim Bennett 2020
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Do you worry that your vital pharmaceuticals are coming from a country that does not have your back? How does the FAIRtax fix that problem? Read this letter from FAIRtax-er Rudy Treml to The West Volusia, Florida, Beacon published on April 16, 2020. Rudy writes:
“Pass the FAIRtax:
“What could the federal income-tax system have to do with COVID-19? Simple, our income-tax system continues to push critical manufacturing facilities offshore. Therefore, when a crisis hits, we lack the production capability to quickly produce what we need to deal with it.
“In the COVID-19 situation, we’re finding ourselves short of medicines and medical devices we need to fight the virus. While we’re waiting for overseas product deliveries, people are dying. If our income-tax system had not forced much of America’s pharmaceutical production overseas, we could have ramped up production immediately and saved many lives.
“Critical funding needed to fight the virus was stalled for many weeks thanks to the income-tax system. The CARES Act finally became law March 27 after many weeks of partisan wrangling.
“However, funding authorized by the CARES Act still must work within the unduly complicated income-tax system which both parties support. American families needing relief now are having to wait six to eight weeks for that relief to come, thanks to the typical Washington bureaucracy.
“The American people are finally beginning to realize that outsourcing American manufacturing to other countries carries serious consequences. They’re starting to ask what we can do to bring manufacturers back to our shores.
“Manufacturing left for just one reason: It’s cheaper to do it overseas. There’s only one way to bring it back — make it cheaper and easier to do business here than over there. And there’s only one way to do that. Pass the FAIRtax.
“The FAIRtax is a national retail sales tax on new goods and services. Its rebate feature (often called the prebate) means that no one pays taxes on the necessities of life. It eliminates the federal income tax and with it, federal withholding and payroll taxes. You keep your whole paycheck (minus any deductions you authorize). You’re taxed on your consumption, not your productivity.
“The FAIRtax also eliminates corporate income taxes. This will greatly reduce the cost of doing business in the United States. Manufacturing returns, putting us in a much better position to deal with whatever the next crisis may be.
“The FAIRtax would also make delivering economic relief to Americans who need it much faster and simpler. Qualified Americans will already be in the database to receive the prebate, so economic stimulus funds could be on their way in 24 hours or less.
“There’s more good news. With the FAIRtax, American manufacturers can produce goods for export without having to embed the costs of the income-tax system into their prices, putting U.S. goods on a much more competitive footing with their foreign competitors.
“Imported and domestic goods will both be subject to the same sales tax, eliminating the price advantage imports currently have in the U.S. market.
“Learn about the FAIRtax at The FAIRtax is the only fair tax for U.S. workers and businesses. Ask your congressional representative and your two senators to actively support the FAIRtax.
“Rudy Treml, DeLand, Florida”
We thank Rudy for alerting the readers of The West Volusia Beacon to the value of the FAIRtax. Don’t forget to send a letter to the editor of your paper or online news media.
Rudy Treml of DeLand, Florida, has been managing the FAIRtax Logo Store for over 16 years. We ask FAIRtax-ers to purchase their FAIRtax promotional materials from the Official FAIRtax store, and Rudy has always presented a wide choice of items. The educational items found in the store are always below cost with free shipping/handling because the FAIRtax Logo Store is subsidized by our Florida chapter, the Florida FairTax Educational Association. The main objective of the Official FAIRtax store is to get promotional items into your hands at the lowest cost possible for presentation to the general public throughout the country. Rudy works daily with store staff to make this all happen.
Rudy serves on the Board of Directors of our Florida chapter, the Florida FairTax Educational Association, and also serves as the Procurement Coordinator. Besides his activities with the FAIRtax movement, Rudy is currently President of the Big Sun Chapter of the Chevron Retirees Association (CRA) serving all Chevron retirees throughout Central Florida. He has also served as the CRA South East United States area VP. You can reach Rudy at
Yours In the FAIRtax Movement!
Jim Bennett
AFFT Grassroots Coordinator & Secretary
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